‘All sport should be fun, fair and open to everyone. These days, sport seems to be more about money, corruption and winning at any cost.’
Write an article for a newspaper in which you explain your point of view on this statement.
1st place for corruption goes to sport.
Fair, fun and accesible. In an ideal world sport would display these imperative qualities that would guide us to a healthier and happier nation. However, capitalism, corruption and greed seem to be the prevailing dark forces shaping and tainting the sport industry. I think we can all agree this needs to stop.
It is outrageous how sport is now centred around income. Why does a footballer earn more than a midwife? I’d like to see Messi free-kick his way into safely delivering a newborn. It is outrageous how sport is centred around fame and pollitics. It is outrageous that sport has began to embody discrimination and exclusive traits.
What message are we sending our increasingly obese population if we support these sports pumped with money greed and corruption? It is undeniable that the commersialisation of these corrupt sports is responsible for more at home arm-chair viewing while the fat deposits itself in your arteries and much less people actually partaking in the sport.
But who can blame them? These armchair viewers really have it all figured. No one wants to partake in sport with its current greedy nature. Not naturally gifted – sport isn’t for you. Not wealthy – sport isn’t for you. With rising fees to even join a gym, let alone a competitive club, partaking in sport seems no less than impossible.
Albeit, I may be passionately over the top and seemingly degrading sport entirely, however this is not my intention. I merely believe sport should adapt a new welcoming attitude making it for everyone and thrillingly fun. Still don’t agree? Listen to the facts. In a survey in 2016 it was found that only 20% of girls over 16 partake in sport, further research showed that this percentage would increase to 80% if it were not for the dauntingly competitive nature of sport. It would be ridiculous to ignore these statistics. The sport industry needs to be changed. It needs to be changed now.
When did ‘taking part is all that counts’ be replaced with ‘second is the first loser’? As an ex-competitive gymnast I can assure you with full confidence that at the vulnerable and impressionable age of 8 I was conditioned as if I were a robot to aim for 1st place; second was failure. Second was me chocking back sobs as the tears stained my pillow. What did this conditioned aggressively competitive attitude cause? Me to win? No, it caused me to quit the sport and feel an unnerving wave of nausea when I so much as see gymnastics on TV.
I am not alone. Sports vile and toxic competitive turn for the worse can only be described as the death of sport, with the sporting leaders and officials dressing its corpse; decorating it as if it is something we should be celebrating. It is time we stopped being ignorant and saw sport for the over commercialised, corrupt and greedy villain it is and not the daydream of fair fun, and accessible opportunities.
Mark: 39/40 A05:24 marks A06: 15 marks
Examiners comments:
Content and Organisation (AO5): Convincing and compelling communication, incorporating a range of complex ideas that are assuredly matched to purpose and audience; sustained crafting and ambitious vocabulary.
Technical Accuracy (AO6): Full range of appropriate sentence forms with demarcation consistently secure and consistently accurate.
How could they have gotten full marks? What were they missing?